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Every year, millions of important items are lost!

Laptops, mobile phones, tablets, suitcases and bags, wallets, photo and video camera, compact discs, sports equipment, artworks, antique, umbrella’s, shoes, clothing, bicycles, jewelry, books, tools, documents, company property etc.

Did you ever see them again? But most of these items turn up again somewhere. They could turn up for instance in a lost and found bureau. Maybe someone else found your things…
But how do they find out who the rightful owner is?

Subscribers will receive an private address BAR code.

Print your own address
BAR code labels and you can easily mark your personal property with your address BAR code. A specialist can help you engrave the letter combination on your jewelry, bicycle, tools and so on.

International recognition and direct results!

Just a person or a bureau of lost and found, wherever in the world, is able to send you an Systems M
ail and inform you, the owner, if an item with your address BAR code has been found.

Using your Systems Card, you’ll be able to show to anyone (for example a lost and found bureau) that you’re the rightful owner of any property bearing your address BAR code.

Do you keep track of all your relations?

Every year, millions of persons and companies move to different locations. These may include your friends, acquaintances, business relations or maybe just any small company.

They’ll get a new address, phone number and possibly a new email and web site address. Can they ever be found again?

Subscribers will receive an public address QR code.

Print your public QR code on your stationery, business cards, and company letters. Ask your family members, friends, acquaintances and business relations to write down your address QR
code near your name.

Your contact info up to date and change your Systems Page as many times as you wish!

With your password, you can change your public information on your S
ystems Page at any time! Using your pc, tablet or mobile smartphone.

24 hours a day, 7 days a week,
everyone is able to get in touch with you…

Simply by accessing the Internet and consult your Systems Page
, you can always be contacted.
No matter how many times you decide to move to a new destination!

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